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Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test
• Total PSA (tPSA):
o Measures overall PSA levels in the blood.
o Used as the primary screening test.
• Free PSA (fPSA):
o Measures unbound PSA.
o Lower free PSA percentage suggests a higher cancer risk.
• PSA Density (PSAD):
CHADSVASc Score - Stroke Risk in Atrial Fibrillation
A clinical mnemonic to estimate stroke risk in atrial fibrillation. A higher total score indicates a greater stroke risk and supports decisions regarding anticoagulation therapy.
C Congestive heart failure
H Hyperte
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)
• Non-specific (infections vs non-infectious)
• ≥2 of the following:
o Temp >38°C or <36°C
o HR >90 bpm
o RR >20 or PaCO₂ <32 mmHg
o WBC >12,000/mm³, <4,000/mm³, or >10% bands
• Organ dysfunction due to
STOP-BANG - Screening Mnemonic for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
S - Snoring - Do you snore loudly?
T - Tiredness / Daytime Sleepiness - Do you often find yourself tired or sleepy?
O - Observed Apneas - Has anyone noticed you stop breathing during sleep?
P - High Blood Pres