CHADSVASc Score - Stroke Risk in Atrial Fibrillation
A clinical mnemonic to estimate stroke risk in atrial fibrillation. A higher total score indicates a greater stroke risk and supports decisions regarding anticoagulation therapy.
C Congestive heart failure
H Hypertension
A2 Age ≥ 75 (2 points)
D Diabetes mellitus
S2 Stroke / TIA / Thromboembolism
V Vascular disease (MI, PAD, aortic plaque)
A Age 65–74 (1 point)
Sc Sex Category female
Score - Yearly Stroke Risk:
0 points - 0.2 %
1 point - 0.6 %
2 points - 2.2 %
3 points - 3.2 %
4 points - 4.8 %
5 points - 7.2 %
6 points - 9.7 %
7 points - 11.2 %
8 points - 10.8 %
9 points - 12.2 %
#CHADSVASc #Score #Atrial #Fibrillation #AFib #CHADS2VASc #Diagnosis #neurology #cardiology #Mnemonic