GrepMed Gastroenterology-Hepatology Editor, Academic Hospitalist UC Davis Medical Center Internal Medicine, Yale Gastroenterology Fellow '22
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Bottlecap enlodged in the Esophagus on xray and egd
Opening a beer with your teeth ensures the work of two specialists: dentist and the endoscopist
Dr. Joaquín Berrueta Mezzera @DrJBerrueta
#Bottlecap #Esophagus #clinical #chestxray #cxr #radiology #egd
Normal Colonic Diameters
Normal bowel caliber can be remembered using the 3-6-9 rule:
- Small bowel: <3 cm
- Large bowel: <6 cm
- Caecum: <9 cm
Dr. Keith Siau @drkeithsiau
#Normal #Colonic #Diameters #diagnosis #dimensions #anatomy
EUS assessment of Gastric Varices - Soderlund Classification
Dr. Katarzyna Monika Pawlak @KM_Pawlak
#Soderlund #Classification #EUS #Gastric #Varices #diagnosis #gastroenterology
Common Bile Duct Biliary Stone removal on ERCP
Dr. Joaquín Berrueta Mezzera @DrJBerrueta
#Biliary #Stone #removal #extraction #ERCP #gastroenterology #cbd #endoscopy
Difficult Selective Biliary Cannulation (SBC)
Factors associated with difficult SBC:
- SMALL PAPILLA: can be difficult to identify, when + excessive mucosal folds, when + architectural distortions, the tip of the ST may be too large, associated with initial contact of the ST w
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome (HPS) Diagnosis Algorithm
Bubble echo is the first piece of the puzzle. The nail on the dx is an A-a gradient >15. If <15 it is a simple intrapulmonary vasodilation which can present the same way on bubble echo.
Themis Kourkoumpetis, MD, MPH @Themis_K
EGD Nail Removal in the Duodenum
6y M, Hx of 2.5" carpenter's Nail ingestion 3hrs. Very sharp & long! Had passed through the stomach and surprisingly sitting at D3! High risk of injury! The tip was beveled so kept slipping. Ultimately, a "NAIL" biting finish!!
Few steps to foll