Major Segments of the Nephron and their Functions 

Major Segments of the Nephron and their Functions 

 - Glomerulus - Formation of glomerular filtrate 

 - Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) - Reabsorption of 65% of filtered Na+/K+/CA2+, and Mg2+; 85% of NaHCO3, and nearly 100% of glucose and amino acids. Isosmotic reabsorption of water. 

 - Proximal tubule, straight segments - Secretion and reabsorption of organic acids and bases, including uric acid and most diuretics 

 - Thin descending limb of Henle's loop - Passive reabsorption of water 

 - Thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TAL) - Active reabsorption of 15-25% of filtered Na+/K+/Cl-,• secondary reabsorption of CA2+ and Mg2+ 

 - Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)  - Active reabsorption of 4—8% of filtered Na+ and Cl-; CA2+ reabsorption under parathyroid hormone control 

 - Cortical collecting tubule (CCT) - Na+ reabsorption (2-5%) coupled to K+and H+ secretion 

 - Medullary collecting duct - Water reabsorption under vasopressin control 

#Nephron #Segments #Function #Pathophysiology #Tubules #Table #Pharmacology
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