Aphasia - Pathophysiology and Clinical Findings
Broca's ...

Aphasia - Pathophysiology and Clinical Findings
Broca's Aphasia - Expressive language impairment: non-Fluent
 - Sensory speech areas still intact (posterior superior temporal lobe) → Intact comprehension (intact hearing & reading)
 - Impaired function of Broca's Area → ↓output or generation of speech/text
 - If function of nearby motor areas is also impaired → Contralateral hemiparesis (face, arm > leg)
 - If function of other nearby areas is also impaired → Impaired naming and repetition
Wernicke's Aphasia - Receptive language impairment/Fluent: the person can talk but their speech is nonsensical:
 - Motor speech areas still intact (inferior frontal lobe) → Fluent (but non-sensical) speech output
 - Impaired function of Wernicke's Area → Impaired comprehension (i.e. cannot understand speech or text)
 - Loss of sensory speech input to motor areas → Errors in word usage, tense, structure
 - If function of nearby sensory areas is impaired → Contralateral sensory deficits

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