The management of hypoxia in a patient undergoing a ...

The management of hypoxia in a patient undergoing a procedure has a variety of etiologies, but can be dangerous if not properly dealt with.  Timing can truly be of the essence in this instance, and as such, pictured is a simple flowchart to not only recognize the cause of hypoxia, but to also have a general treatment guidline.

#diagnosis #algorithm #management #treatment #anesthesiology #anesthesia #hypoxia
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Indraneel Prabhu
My name is Indraneel Prabhu, or Indy for short, and I am an M4 at Touro University Nevada.  I was born in India and raised in the Bay Area, CA.  Throughout my time in medical school, I saw the value in free open-access education at all levels, and hope to provide quality content!
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