Cataract: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Increased ...

Cataract: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Increased Age (most common) -> Ultraviolet light, radiation, toxins ->Denaturation and abnormal structural changes to lens crystalline proteins -> Increased density, stiffening and pigmentation of lens material -> Opacification of crystalline lens

=> Cataract Formation

Loss of transparency of natural lens -> Hardening of central lens nucleus -> Scattering of light -> Hyper-mature enlarged cataract

 • Blurred vision

 • Increased refractive power and nearsightedness

 • Glare and halos around lights -> poor night time driving

 • Decreased contrast sensitivity

 • Iris-trabecular meshwork contact -> Secondary angle closure glaucoma

#cataracts #pathophysiology #ophthalmology 
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The Calgary Guide to Understanding Disease
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