Open Fractures: Mechanisms, Clinical Features and Complications
Gustilo-Anderson ...

Open Fractures: Mechanisms, Clinical Features and Complications

Gustilo-Anderson Classification:

 • Type I

   - Wound < 1cm

   - Typically "inside out" injury

   - Minimal comminution

 • Type II

   - Wound 1-10 cm

   - Possible tissue contamination

   - Moderate comminution

 • Type Ill

   - Wound > 10 cm

   - Extensive contamination

   - Extensive comminution

 • Type IIIA - Adequate soft tissue for bone coverage

 • Type IIIC - Vascular injuries, possible amputation

 • Type IIIB - ++ soft tissue damage with periosteal stripping

#GustiloAnderson #Classification #Open #Fractures #Diagnosis #Complications #MSK #Orthopedics

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