Anorexia Nervosa: Signs and Symptoms
Binge/Purge Subtype ...

Anorexia Nervosa: Signs and Symptoms

Binge/Purge Subtype - Recurrent (once per week) episodes of binge-eating or purging, sometimes in addition to restriction

 • Binge eating

 • Purging behaviour - Self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas (may occur without binge eating)

 • Co-morbidity with substance use disorders/impulsive traits

Restrictive Subtype - Dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise, and the absence of recurrent binge-eating or purging

 • Fasting/food restriction

 • Excessive exercise

 • Co-morbidity with obsessive compulsive disorder/traits

Significantly low body weight

 • Taken in context of what is expected for age, sex, height and the individuals prior weight

 • In children: failure to maintain expected developmental trajectory

 • In adults usually defined as BMI < 18.5

 • Presence of physiological consequences of emaciation

Associated psychological/behavioral features

 • Relating to Control: behavioral rigidity, inflexibility of thinking and perfectionism

 • Relating to Food: obsessive preoccupations, fears and rituals relating to fat, calories, nutrition, food etc.

 • Relating to Mood: dysphoria, social withdrawal and irritability

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