Acute Rheumatic Fever: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Delayed ...

Acute Rheumatic Fever: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Delayed autoimmune reaction

-> Molecular mimicry

-> GAS antigen cross-reacts with host

-> Activation of auto-reactive B and CD-4+ T cells

-> Tissue injury and inflammation

 • Fever

 • Arthralgia

 • Erythema Marginatum

 • Subcutaneous Nodules (Osler's Nodes)

 • Increased ESR and CRP

Neuronal cell surface targeted -> Cell signaling and dopamine release -> Sydenham's Chorea

Lymphocytes adhere to myosin and cardiac proteins -> Pancarditis and valvular injury -> Prolonged PR Interval, Carditis

#Acute #RheumaticFever #pathophysiology #diagnosis #signs #symptoms #complications
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