This chart shows the patterns of height (length) and ...

This chart shows the patterns of height (length) and weight for children from birth to 36 months.
How to read the percentile chart

The top set of curved lines shows length percentiles. For example, the top curved line shows the 95% percentile, which means that 95% of children are at or under that height. The lower set of curved lines shows weight percentiles.
The top of the chart shows ages, from birth to 36 months. The left and right sides of the chart show heights in the upper section and weights in the lower section.
The chart shows that at birth 95% of girls are less than 21.5 inches (about 54 centimeters) and 5% are less than 18 inches (45 cm). At 36 months (3 years) 95% of girls are less than 40 inches (about 102 cm) and 5% are less than 34.5 inches (88 cm).
Find your child's height on the left side, and read horizontally across until you reach the vertical line for your child's age. Then see where that point is among the percentile lines.
For example, a girl 30 inches (76 cm) tall and 12 months old is just above the 75% percentile.
Consult your physician if you are concerned about your child's growth.

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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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