Competence vs Capacity - Patient Care Documents you ...

Competence vs Capacity - Patient Care Documents you Need to Know

Competence: A legal term that is determined by the court system. According to their strict definitions, lack of competence refers to impairment of global decision-making regarding matters such as finances, property, and wills.

Capacity: is not the same as competence, but a medical term that is determined by the treating physician. Lack of capacity refers to inability to make decisions about proposed medical treatments & other aspects of care. Capacity can vary with circumstance and the relative complexity of the decision that is made. If a patient does not appear to have the capacity to consent to any plan, a surrogate decision maker should sought.

Satyendra Dhar, MD @DharSaty

#Competence #Capacity #Legal #Documents
Contributed by

Satyendra Dhar, MD
Hospital Medicine
Assistant Clinical Professor

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