Approach to the Sick Neonate (<1 month age)
1) Bring ...

Approach to the Sick Neonate (<1 month age)
1) Bring to Warmer, Call for Help
2) Apply Monitors & Do Vitals
3) Do Special Baby Vitals
4) Check & Replace Glucose
5) Obtain Access
6) Start Empiric Management
7) Do Work Up
Differential Diagnosis - THE MISFITS Mnemonic:
 T - Trauma (NAI)
 H - Heart (SVT, CHD), Hypovolemia
 E - Endocrine (CAH, Thyroid)
 M - Metabolic (Glucose, Na)
 I - Inborn Error of Metabolism
 S - Sepsis
 F - Formula dilution
 I - Intestinal (Nec, Volvulus)
 T - Toxins
 S - Seizures

Dr. Sarah Foohey @SarahFoohey

#Sick #Neonate #pediatrics #neonatal #differential #diagnosis #peds
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