Luftsichel Sign in Left Upper Lobe Collapse - Chest ...

Luftsichel Sign in Left Upper Lobe Collapse - Chest X-Ray

An upper lobe collapse causes the collapse lung segments to be pushed anteriorly like a veil or curtain and causes a veil like opacity all over the left hemithorax.
Sometimes the LLL apical segment hyperinflates and finds itself between the collapsed LUL and the aorta. Since the aorta has air adjacent to it now, it is clearly visible and the shape of the air in the LLL resembles a sickle and hence the name AIR SICKLE which in german means LUFTSICHEL.

Dr. Devpriyo Pal @drdevrad

#Luftsichel #Sign #LUL #Collapse #clinical #radiology #Chest #XRay #CXR
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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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