Liver Function Test (LFTs) Elevation
AST - Cardiac ...

Liver Function Test (LFTs) Elevation

AST - Cardiac and skeletal muscle, kidney, brain

ALT - More specific for the liver

ALP - Biliary tree or bile flow abnormality vs bone

Bili - Direct (Obstructive) vs Indirect (Hemolytic)

Hepatocellular Pattern - Transaminase >> Alkaline Phosphatase, ALT ≥ 3x ULN

Cholestatic Pattern - Alkaline Phosphatase >> Transaminase, ALP ≥ 2x ULN

R Value = (ALT / ULN ALT) / (ALP / ULN ALP)

     ≥5: Hepatocellular injury

     >2 to ≤ 5: Mixed pattern

     ≤2: Cholestatic injury

Sinai Hospital of Baltimore IM Residency @SinaiBmoreIMRes

#Liver #FunctionTest #LFTs #Elevation #Transaminitis #diagnosis #hepatology
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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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