
Mother's Kiss Technique for Nasal Foreign Body Removal
NASAL FOREIGN BODY: children enjoy sticking objects up their noses. It's a common presentation to the ER. Not resuscitation, but a nice trick to know that could save a trip to the ER or make an encounter fairly easy. Here's a father demonstration of the positive pressure technique when his son got a Lego stuck.
In a systematic case review, this technique worked in most children.
The “mother's kiss” is a technique first described in 1965 for nasal foreign body removal in children. A trusted adult (likely parent/guardian) occludes the unaffected nostril and blows into the child's mouth gently until they feel resistance caused by closure of the glottis, and then they blow more forcefully to expel the foreign body. Researchers systematically reviewed eight case series and case reports involving 154 patients (age range, 1–8 years). Foreign bodies ranged from beads to a piece of sausage and a doll's plastic shoe.
The technique was successful in 60% of cases, with similar success rates for smooth, regularly shaped objects and irregularly shaped objects. When noted, most foreign bodies were visible at presentation, and about half the children had undergone previous attempts at removal; these factors, as well as length of time since object insertion, were not described in enough detail to allow for subanalysis. One study of 31 patients noted that introduction of the mother's kiss reduced the need for general anesthesia for nasal foreign body removal (from 33% to 3%). No adverse events were reported.

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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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