Intraarticular Chondroma - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:

Intraarticular Chondroma - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Subtle soft-tissue infrapatellar mass seen obscuring Hoffa's fat pad. There are faint calcifications within the lesion on the radiograph.
 • The lesion on T1-sequences is hypointense, although isointense relative to skeletal muscle.
 • There are regions of high-signal on fluid sensitive sequences typical of cartilaginous lesions.
Case description:
 • Soft-tissue mass which contains intrasubstance cartilage tissue and most commonly originates from the infrapatellar fat pad (Hoffa fat pad).
 • Best diagnostic clue is chondroid matrix within the lesion (subtle calcifications) on radiograph.
 • Usually NOT joint effusions associated.
 • Post-contrast imaging will display variable enhancement.
 • Surgical resection necessary due to continual lesion growth with symptoms due to mass effect. This lesion was resected displaying degenerative cartilaginous tissue with central calcification. No hemosiderin deposition or malignancy.
Differential diagnosis:
 • Nodular synovitis: Rarely have calcifications and generally localized with increased hemosiderin deposition. Also commonly within Hoffa fat pad.
 • Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS): Rarely calcifications associated and usually more extensive low-signal hemosiderin deposition. Usually present with effusion.
 • Synovial sarcoma

Dr. Donald von Borstel @DrvonBorstel

#Intraarticular #Chondroma #clinical #mri #clinical #Radiology #diagnosis #msk 
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Dr. Gerald Diaz
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